Awarded Top 40 Physical Education Blog

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Friday, January 29, 2021

Fantastic 4's Workout (Jan.25-26) and Russell Relaxation 8 (Jan.28-29)

 For those that need a refresher or another copy for themselves, below are the workouts completed for the week of January 25th - January 29th.

Don't forget to record your workout and turn it into google classroom by the end of the class period.

Fantastic 4's Workout (Jan.25-26)
Slide 1 - Title and Workout Description
Slide 2 - Agenda 
Slide 3 - Workout Video

Russell Relaxation 8 (Jan.28-29)
Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2 - Agenda 
Slide 3 - Workout Video

As always, email me [] if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Russell Relaxation 7 (Jan.19) and Happy Feet Workout (Jan.21-22)

For those that need a refresher or another copy for themselves, below are the workouts completed for the week of January 19th - January 22nd.

Don't forget to record your workout and turn it into google classroom by the end of the class period.

Russell Relaxation 7 (Jan.19)

Happy Feet Workout (Jan.21-22)
Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2 - Agenda 
Slide 3 - Workout Description
Slide 4 - Workout Video

As always, email me [] if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Fast and Furious Workout (Jan.11-12) and Squat Assessment (Jan.14)

 For those that need a refresher or another copy for themselves, below are the workouts completed for the week of January 11th - January 14th.

Don't forget to record your workout and turn it into google classroom by the end of the class period.

Fast and Furious Workout (Jan.11-12)

Squat Assessment (Jan.14)
Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2 - Agenda 
Slide 3 - Workout Video
Slides 4&5 - Squat Tutorials

As always, email me [] if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

TRMS Semester 1 GPA (Student Mentoring Wednesday) 01/13/21

TRMS Semester 1 GPA  Lesson Worksheets


In order to make the necessary edits, don't forget to first make a copy of the google slides presentation for yourself.  

As always, email me if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Triple Double Workout (Jan.7-8) and Tabata Movin' Workout (Jan.4-5)

 For those that need a refresher or another copy for themselves, below are the workouts completed for the week of January 4th - January 8th.

Don't forget to record your workout and turn it into google classroom by the end of the class period.

Triple Double Workout (Jan.7-8)
Slide 1 - Title
Slides 2 and 3 - Agenda and detailed directions on how to perform the workout.
Slide 4 - Workout Video

Tabata Movin' Workout (Jan.4-5) 
Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2 - Agenda 
Slide 3 - Workout Video

As always, email me [] if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

 Student Agency  Lesson Worksheets (Habit of Success)


In order to make the necessary edits, don't forget to first make a copy of the google slides presentation for yourself.  

As always, email me if you have any questions / concerns / suggestions.