Awarded Top 40 Physical Education Blog

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Friday, August 25, 2023

Parent / Guardian Excuse Form


If you are at school, but unable to participate fully in P.E. due to illness or injury, you must have your parent or guardian complete this Parent/Guardian Excuse Form. A parent or guardian may only excuse you from P.E. for up to three days. 

You must be signed into your school Google account in order to download this form.

Plan ahead and print several copies so you have them when you need them.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tips for Shot Put and Discus



Tuesday, March 21, 2023

How to Throw a Discus

Courtesy of

Click on the links below to learn more about how to throw a Discus.

The article above contains important information about getting in position, throwing the Discus, and training to throw Discus. 

Some how-to-videos that might be able to help with technique.

Below you will find several links to great articles on how to perform a discus throw with included video links within the article.

How to Shot Put

 Courtesy of

Click on the following links below to learn more about 
how to perform the Shot Put.

Link One:
This article features important basic fundamentals, how to practice a basic throw, how to use a glide throw, and how to use a spin throw.

Link Two:
This article features positioning yourself and holding the shot, delivering the shot, and warming up and cooling down.

Below are 2 infographics courtesy of  Hopefully these will help you with your technique.  LINK TO WEBSITE HERE.



Click on the image below to access 
some important shot put rules that you should know.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mid-Year Mile Reflection (SY22-23)

 Click on the link below to complete your Mid-Year Mile Reflection.

Due by the end of the class period.  If you finish early, you may work on assignments from other classes.