Awarded Top 40 Physical Education Blog

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Saturday, January 25, 2020

FitnessGram Push-Up, Curl-Up, and Pacer Run Cadences

Below you will find the cadences for the Push-Up, Curl-Up, and The Pacer Run.  I have also included a version of the Pacer Run with visual numbers and audio.  Get out there and start practicing.

Push Up

Curl Up

FitnessGram Pacer Run (Full Audio)

FitnessGram Pacer Run (Visuals and Audio)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Air Squats Tutorial

Set Up for the Air Squat

  • Set heels just outside of your hips and have your toes pointing out slightly
  • Start with hips and knees at full extension

Points of Performance for the Air Squat

  • Send the hips back and down descending to the bottom of your squat with the crease of the hip below the knees.
  • Keep the knees tracking out over the toes
  • Maintain balance of weight in the heels
  • Keep the arch in the lower back by lifting the chest for a good lumbar curve in the spine
  • When hip crease breaks the plane of the knees in depth, drive through the heels to ascend back to your starting position
  • The rep is completed when the knees and hips are fully locked out and open

Tips and Tricks for the Air Squat

  • Focus on driving through the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, and erectors)

Common Faults: The Air Squat
Squat Faults

So easy....even a baby could do it....

Intro to Spiking and Blocking (Volleyball Skill Cues)