Awarded Top 40 Physical Education Blog

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Friday, October 4, 2024

FiT Work #14 - Breast Cancer Awareness (SY24-25)

 FiT Work #14 - Breast Cancer Awareness (SY24-25)

Slide 1 - Title Slide

Slide 2 - Read the short paragraph

Slide 3 - Website and Video

Slide 4 - Link to Google Form

- Use the stacked dots above to put the google slideshow in 'Full Screen".

Due FRIDAY 10/4/24

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

FiT Work #13 - Teen Body Image (SY24-25)

Due Today by the end of the class period.
- Read the directions, watch the video, and answer the questions on the Google form.  The attached Google slide will guide you through the process.
- Don't forget to submit your work.
Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2 - Read the Short Paragraph
Slide 3 - Paragraph and Click on Video
Slide 4 - Google form attachment

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Parent / Guardian Excuse Form

If you are at school, but unable to participate fully in P.E. due to illness or injury, you must have your parent or guardian complete this Parent/Guardian Excuse Form. A parent or guardian may only excuse you from P.E. for up to three days. 

You must be signed into your school Google account in order to download this form.

Plan ahead and print several copies so you have them when you need them.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Welcome 7th Graders (SY24-25)


As you know from what we have already spoken about in class, this week is orientation week in which we will familiarize ourselves with what goes on daily in Physical Education.  

This blog in conjunction with Google Classroom is where you will check for important announcements, assignment details, homework, and our class workouts.

We will use the Google slides included here in this post as our guide to help us through these first several weeks in class.  

I will add any and all orientation updates to the Google slide below, so refer to it every so often in this post.  Use the three stacked dots on the bottom left of the Google slide to open the options menu and put it in full-screen mode.

Slide 1 - A welcome message from Buzz

Slide 2 - Bart's class checklist

Slide 3 - "Bookmark"

Slide 4 - A guide to opening your padlock

Slide 5 - The minions have a link to the how-to video for opening your padlock

Slide 6 - Another guide to opening your padlock


Slide 9 - Random

Slides 10 and 11 - Locker Room Rules

Slide 12 - Link to the PE Syllabus (23-24) Signature Submission Form

Below are 2 training videos that will help teach you how to open your new combination padlock.

Do not share your new 3-digit code with anyone.  
Always remember to lock your padlock behind you when leaving your locker.

If you lose your padlock, the price of a new one is $10.00 and you can purchase a new one from the P.E. teachers in the locker rooms.

(24-25 School Year)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Rainy Day Movie Notes

 Here are the links for our 2 rain out days for the month of January.  Complete the correct set of notes for the day that you were absent.  Make sure to write your name, date, period# on the top of your paper and submit to me for credit.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Parent / Guardian Excuse Form


If you are at school, but unable to participate fully in P.E. due to illness or injury, you must have your parent or guardian complete this Parent/Guardian Excuse Form. A parent or guardian may only excuse you from P.E. for up to three days. 

You must be signed into your school Google account in order to download this form.

Plan ahead and print several copies so you have them when you need them.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tips for Shot Put and Discus



Tuesday, March 21, 2023

How to Throw a Discus

Courtesy of

Click on the links below to learn more about how to throw a Discus.

The article above contains important information about getting in position, throwing the Discus, and training to throw Discus. 

Some how-to-videos that might be able to help with technique.

Below you will find several links to great articles on how to perform a discus throw with included video links within the article.